I'm a Lazy Person
Instead of "New Years Resolutions" I decided to start a blog on New Years Eve because it felt less cheezy. I want to be a healthier/thinner self but there is one huge obstacle to this, I AM LAZY. I have no commitment to any diets, I always take the easy route and I demand instant gratification... Is this a part of generation "the economy sucks so I'll just keep living with my parents" or just a lazy bum.Lazy things I did today:
- Ate left overs (Indian food I didn't even like that much) because I didn't feel like making breakfast or buying groceries...
- slept until 11 am even though I went to bed early...and am currently thinking of taking another nap
- took the dog out for his morning walk at 1:30 pm...
- accepted a friend's New Years Eve invitation just now because I didn't feel like planning something.
- Used my hair gel circa 2004 because they discontinued the brand and I haven't felt up to trying something new, so I just conserve it for special occasions.
- still in my pjs at 3:30
- I almost didn't write this post because my cable wasn't working and I couldn't figure out what to do except turn it off and on again (didn't work). Sigh.....
This is my space to defunct all kinds of crazy diet and exercise myths/plans/suggestions and find parts of diets that work and don't work for lazy people who want to know what they can do to be healthier but spend the least amount time possible for the best results. I'm going to try each health myth for at least 2 weeks to 1 month before I decide to keep it or leave it. Then it's onto the next. I'll post my plan at the bottom of each blog for the first couple of months to remind myself of what I'm doing or anyone else who cares to read or join along.Let's start of 2013 with some very L.A. health tips:
Health Guru: Divora
"Stretch and do minimal exercise with Maximum Impact"
- I will add stretches each morning.
- I will add the "Bounce" Exercise move
Standing up tall and straight, legs shoulder width apart, and bounce back on your heels like you're almost jumping and do this for about 10 minutes. According to Divora my health guru this is much more exercise than running.
I may research and add a new exercise move each week. But we'll start with the "Bounce"