Saturday, January 5, 2013

Spotted: R cheating on her Diet in the Valley!

I've Broken Down. I can't take this anymore! I have to eat some Carbs after 5 p.m.

I was in the Valley at the mall and I was memorized by this beautiful sight. I had to eat something sweet. I did order a small with no cone which shows some restraint. I have learned some things from not eating carbs after 5pm this past week. I do tend to snack on carb filled snacks like crackers and popcorn. I can live without eating these, but I need some kind of carb to eat with dinner otherwise I feel like I'm missing something.

No more Carbs after 5pm but I will try Gluten-free starting next week. That should make for some saucy entries. 

This is made more difficult when shoe shopping because there is a lot of bending to try on shoes.  Also, the mall was crowded so there was alot of dodging of people which works your core. 

APPROPRIATE URBAN HIKING ATTIRE- they keep your feet warm and feel like you're walking on little cloud. 
Now time to relax from my Urban Hiking and Watch the marathon on my DVR of Toddlers and Tiaras while I practice my stretches from earlier this week. I'm only keeping the cat-cow stretch and side leg lefts though. 

I know this show is creepy and wrong but much like this picture I stare in horror and can't look away. 

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